Friday, July 29, 2011

Favorite Console

Today I'm going to blog about my favorite console growing up. Maybe that will inspire some of you to write in my comments and do the same.

So my favorite console of all time, hands down, no contest... is the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The SNES was the greatest. It carries the most nostalgia, as well as the biggest game library of re-playable games that I seriously have beaten countless times. The best part is I KNOW I'll keep playing them and beating the games.

 Being able to play online with friends using an emulator is sick too. I probably beat Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2), Donkey Kong 1, 2 and 3, and Super Mario like three or four times each with my pal Beansy. By the way Beansy was a friend of mine that lived in Nevada. We met several years ago on Dark Age of Camelot, and ended up friends for quite some time.

He even moved to Utah to live with some friends of mine so he's like an RL friend now. Crazy...

Anyway, I could probably list about half the game library of the SNES that I have beaten at least once. And it still has one of the best Zelda games ever made.

The SNES will forever hold a reserved place in my heart for being the best console ever made. I still go back and play those games constantly. You know what... I think I'm going to go play Yoshi's Island again.

So tell me, what's your favorite console growing up?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Aaahhhmmm I was always more of an FPS PC kid, even when I was a wee one and just started gaming (went from wolfenstein to doom, to all the quakes, etc)... my gaming foundation is very much first-person-shooter-centric, which would explain my fickle nature when it comes to RPGs and their relatively slow combat (which is the only thing I can ever find to complain about a good RPG (looking at you, Fallout 3/New Vegas).
    Some games hit the sweet spot of FPS-goodness combined with competent RPG elements (raising my drinking horn to Deus Ex, PlanetSide, and Mortal Online).

    Because of my PC-based foundation, I've been spoiled by the amount of control and flexibility afforded to me by the mouse and keyboard set up. First person games do nothing but frustrate me on a console.
    This does not mean, however, that I never had a console I loved.

    I loved the ever living shit out of my PS2. When I was in high school I had one of those beds that was sort of like a bunk bed, but was a bed on top and a desk/drawers/cupboards below it.
    I would perch a small 24 inch TV at the foot of my bed (precariously balanced on the corner with a 6 foot drop to the ground), with my PS2 next to it, and play SSX, Ace Combat 4, Silent Hill, or Final Fantasy (yes, the combat is not my favourite, but they made up for it by being superbly well made for the most part) all gods damned night. The Ace Combat, Silent Hill, and Final Fantasy series are undeniably boss, but I can't figure out my obsession with SSX... Yes, I love snowboarding, but the game is so unrealistic that it's about as similar to actual snowboarding as dropping dynamite into a pond is similar to regular fishing.

    That sounds wicked. Nevermind, I figured out why I like SSX.
