Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Old Republic

This game just looks sweet. Sweet graphics. Sweet effects. Sweet quests...
Bioware's throwing down to make an MMO with already thousands of hours of recorded voice acting. Talk about awesome. Now I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan to grace the internet, but I still think it's pretty jawsome.

I'm pretty stoked for this one because of the features more than the fact that it's Star Wars. Class progression, real time combat, advanced character progression, the voice acting...

Oh man. From what I've seen so far from previews of the game the quests seem to be pretty involving too. Looks like they're actually trying to get you to care about the quests you accept and do.

I'm not sure if it's with every quest, but there are decisions you have to make just like KOTOR and Dragon's Age, because Bioware knows what's up. I'm pretty excited to have my Sith Marauder that... well... Let's just say I'm not the best at being evil, so I'll probably be pretty neutral with my actions.  Regardless, I'm pretty stoked to kill me some Jedi. Yup... I wanna kill Jedi.

One of the awesome features that this game has that I think is going to help a lot is how you share quests. I read Gabe's (Penny Arcade) little description of what he thought of the game when he got to play, and apparently instead of grabbing a quest and sharing it with your friends later, you have the option when  someone starts to pick up a quest to join via holoprojection. Sweet deal.

Overall I think this game's going to have a lot of what's missing for me in most MMO's right now. For once it's HUGE. I read somewhere that one planet is the size of Azeroth and Outland put together. And there's definitely more than one planet. Also... Ships? You get your own ship.. like... I'm not huge on vehicles... but, you get your own ship. Seriously how awesome is that? Guild ships too... ugh... So sick.

Star Wars: The Old Republic may not end up being exactly what I'm looking for to fill that void that EverQuest has left, but it looks promising. It already has more features that I'm stoked for than most games that are already out or are coming out. Who knows? Maybe it'll carve a new spot in my heart to rest itself for eternity.  Can't wait to stomp on some Jedi...