Friday, July 15, 2011

Everyone needs a good side kick.

Well the title isn't quite right... but you'll get my meaning soon enough.
Slib's had my back for about 7 or 8 years now on just about every topic you can think of.
Girls... Job stress... Family... You name it. Kid's been there for me.
Thing is... I've never met him. He lives in Canada and I'm down in Utah, and well... It's just never worked out for either of us to visit.
So we play games. Just about everything. But the main thing we like to do is slaughter zombies, and that brings me to the point...
While spouting off nonsense and screaming complete bullshit in Ventrilo, Slib and I have decapitated, assassinated, shot, blown up, and dismembered thousands upon thousands of zombies.  Whether it be Left 4 Dead or Killing Floor (and hopefully Dead Island soon...) we've pretty much spent the majority of our gaming time together doing such.
Don't get me wrong... we've played plenty of other games. Counter Strike: Source, Team Fortress 2, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, EverQuest II, Dawn of War II... The list goes on and on and on.
My main point is the fact that we have stupid-good-synergy. I rarely have to tell him what to do to help me out, and even if I do he usually is on top of it within seconds. He's saved my ass countless times and I'm sure it'll continue to be that way.
Now... That kind of does make him sound like a side kick... but the thing is, he's usually the one dishing out the majority of the punishment. Sometimes we're pretty equally skilled, but overall, this guy wins every contest just about every time.
Whether we're comparing battle metal to hardcore, or axes to swords, or just talking about girls... You can almost guarantee something (usually a zombie) is being disemboweled in some manner or another.
Games wouldn't be the same without him, and the reason I'm mentioning him is because once I start my live streams here in a couple days you'll almost always be seeing and hearing him.
So everyone make sure to say hi to Slib once I get the streams going, because side kicks come and go (here's looking at you Batman), but a battle brother will last a life time.


  1. You're not the only one. When I got married, I had a huge wedding party, and of my seven bridesmaids, five were online friends.

  2. That's a pretty good idea...
    Lothian, you're going to be my bridesmaid.

  3. That sounds like it was super awesome Ruthanne. :)
    I hope I can be as lucky some day.

    @Slib - Deal bro.

  4. A good sidekick is imperative in all sorts of circumstances. Always good to know someone has your back. Glad you have someone watching yours. :)
