Wednesday, August 3, 2011



The gamer's best friend.

Nothing says, "I'm about to sit down and blow shit up until my fingers bleed." like a tall can of iced tea and a fresh tube of cheddar Pringles.

Alright, alright... Maybe that's a Lothian specific snack, but you get the idea. Snacks are bomb. Fuel for the body to keep... sitting there...
Erm... Maybe this is how people get fat.

Seriously thought what's better than getting home from work or school and just slamming your ass into your chair or couch with a primo set up of your favorites?  I was thinking about this today when I got home tonight. About how even though I'm full, it's just comforting to have them ready for me.

I know Pringles, Cheez Itz, and some imported ceylon Peace Tea (See picture above... also my couch is in that shot) has gotten me through some good times, some bad times, and some hella bad ass times. Greatest thing I've ever done while gaming was have three iced teas, two tubes of Pringles, and a box of cheez itz at the ready. The MMO addict's greatest asset is a hoard of snacks.

Whether it be a twelve pack of Mountain Dew and a bag of Doritoes, or some mini powedered donuts and Coca Cola, snacks are the greatest thing to keep you going when you're trying to take down the other team's healer, or disarm the bomb.

Well... until you have to pee.

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Vickies sea salt and malt vinegar chips, an assortment of beef jerky, and lime-ade (lemonade, but with bad-ass limes instead of pussy lemons) and I don't need to eat actual food all day.
