Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Hybrid

I did it again!

I was up until 8:30 in the morning Tuesday, so I slept super early that night after I got all my stuff done for the day and forgot to blog. My bad...

Anyway I wanted to give a shout out to my favorite thing ever, the hybrid.

No no... Not hybrid cars. Not talking about those. Talking about the class archetype in RPGs. Whether it be the Shadow Knight (favorite class ever in EQ1), Paladin, Shaman, Druid, Ranger (EQ1), Spellblade, Beast Lord, Death Knight, Warrior Priest, Disciple of Kane, the list goes on and on and on and on...

The hybrid has always been my number one favorite. Especially if it's a hybrid of a warrior and some dark caster. Shadow Knight was always my favorite. Plate, two-handed swords, and life taps. Seriously that's like my trifecta right there. It doesn't get much better. Seriously I loved just destroying everything in my path, outliving every opponent while I decimated its face. Oh and don't even get me started on Harm Touch.

Nothing says "**** YOU!!!!" like slapping someone in the face with Harm Touch. Greatest spell ever. I wasn't happy when they changed the sound from more of a fiery explosion to match the life tap sound and animation... But it was still fun to watch my enemy's life bar just plummet when I used it.

I've also been a huge fan of the Paladin as well, as long as I'm not stuck holding a shield. I do like playing support classes. Hybrids have always been a great addition to any group, and can usually fit many roles. They make great parties with each other as well since it will cover so many bases. We seem to stick together really well also. I loved grouping with a paladin, beast lord, or ranger on my SK, paladin, and ranger. It was sick.

What we lack in one area we make up for in our skills in another. It has always been a great idea, and I look forward to the new hybrids in upcoming MMO's as well.

Long live the hybrid class!

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